Looking for a job means you must have a personal resume. A resume is a one-page summary of your skills, accomplishments, experiences, and education, and is designed to grab an employer’s interest and get you an interview. It is your personal poster or web page telling about yourself and why you are qualified for the job.
Here are some resume-writing tips:
•Show your best attributes and skills so the employer will want to meet you.
•Describe your skills and abilities as they relate to the job duties.
•Focus on your experience and education that’s appropriate for the job you are seeking.
•Be honest about what you list.
•Ask someone like a school counselor, career center technician, or teacher to read your draft and give you suggestions.
•Always prepare a well-organized, easy-to-read printed resume (hand-written resumes are not acceptable).
•Make sure your resume is error free: check for correct spelling and grammar. Have someone else proofread it.
•Allow plenty of time to develop your resume.
•Ask your teacher, school counselor, club advisor, or coach to be a reference.
•Start your resume with the job objective at the beginning.
There are many resources for resume writing, both in books and on the Internet. Many companies use only electronic resumes which may have different guidelines.
Below is a sample resume for you to use to get you started.
Lisa Ortiz
142 South Main Street
El Monte, CA 91735
(626) 555-1212
Lisa's email@address
OBJECTIVE: Retail Sales Clerk
• General retail merchandising skills
• Bilingual–Spanish
• Sales experience
• Merchandise stocking
• Display work
• Use of computerized cash register
• Technological literacy—Word processing, database management, and Internet
Cashier at Target Summer 2011
Volunteer Work at L.A. County Fair Fall 2010
McDonald’s Restaurant September 2009 to May 2010
Night Drive Up Window Service
Excellence High School Graduate June 2011
Career Technical Education-Retail Junior and Senior Years
Merchandising Classes Work Experience Class
Junior Scholastic Scholarship Federation
Bank of America Award in Retail Merchandising
Community Service Award for Volunteer Work
Certificate in Computer Studies
OSHA Safety Certificate
Hiking and Backpacking
Available upon request. (Type your references on a separate page.)