Provide the gift that lasts a lifetime: an education!
Ready and Relevant is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing scholarships and services to young women. We believe education is the key to helping women become more economically self-sufficient.
Whether you are an individual or an organization, please consider one of the many ways you can become a valued supporter:
By virtue of your support, you will be “Paying It Forward” to women, their communities, and many generations to come!
Individual Donors
Ready and Relevant needs people like you who are committed to supporting young women who need support for their educations! Here are some ways for you to contribute:
Employer Match
Ask your employer to consider matching your donation
Scholarship Sponsor
Scholarship Sponsors honor those who give $2,000 or more in a calendar year. The support of these committed individuals enables Ready and Relevant to provide critical support and services
Planned Giving
For more information on how to give the gift of a lasting legacy, click HERE.
Support Ready and Relevant while shopping on Amazon - with no additional cost to you
Donations go through AmazonSmiles. All you have to do is sign in with your Amazon.com account information and follow the instructions from there to select Ready and Relevant as your charity of choice. Once you're done and you begin shopping, 0.5% of the prices of your purchases will go towards Ready and Relevant.